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        快捷導(dǎo)航 中考政策指南 2024熱門中考資訊 中考成績查詢 歷年中考分?jǐn)?shù)線 中考志愿填報(bào) 各地2019中考大事記 中考真題及答案大全 歷年中考作文大全 返回首頁
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        來源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2022-11-22 19:55:45



        (1)“Why not+動(dòng)詞原形+…?”

        (干嘛不……?)是簡略句,完全形式是:Why don’t you +動(dòng)詞原形+…?如:Why not go and have a look?(干嘛不去看看?)/ Why not try it once again?(為什么不再試試?)

        (2) seem(好象)的用法:

        記住幾個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu):①sb./sth. + seem + (to be+)形容詞+…;②sb./sth. + seem + like +…;③sb/sth + seem + to (do);④It seems that + 從句。如:He seemed (to be) very happy when he was called by the headmaster. (被校長叫到名字時(shí)他好象很開心) / It seems that nobody else could do such a foolish thing except Jim. (除了吉姆好象沒有什么人會(huì)做出如此愚蠢的事情來)

        (3) be afraid(害怕)的用法:

        記住幾個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu):①be afraid of sth; be afraid of (doing); ②be afraid to (do); ③be afraid that+從句。如:She is a little afraid of snakes.(她有點(diǎn)怕蛇)/ Don’t be so afraid to stay at home alone at night.(別害怕晚上一個(gè)人在家)/ I’m afraid that somebody will take his place because of his serious mistakes.(恐怕有人要取代他了,因?yàn)樗噶四敲创蟮腻e(cuò)誤)

        (4) be sorry(抱歉)的用法:

        記住幾個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu):①be sorry for (sth); ②be sorry for (doing sth); ③be sorry to (do); ④be sorry that+從句。如:I am very sorry for keeping you waiting so long.(不好意思讓你久等了)I am sorry to trouble you.(對不起,麻煩你了)/ I am sorry (that) he isn’t here at the moment.(恐怕他現(xiàn)在不在)

        (5) be sure (確信)的用法:

        記住幾個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu): ①be sure of (sth); ②be sure to(do); ③be sure that+從句。如:She told me many times that she was sure to come.(她給我講過多次她一定會(huì)來的) / Are you sure of your answer?Maybe it’s wrong.(你對你的答案有把握嗎?也許是錯(cuò)的。)/ I am sure that Dad will help me with the job.(我確信爸爸會(huì)幫著我做這件事情的)

        (6) make 與do的用法:

        一般情況下表示進(jìn)行活動(dòng)或者做工作用do,表示創(chuàng)造建構(gòu)某事物用make. 如:I don’t know what to do.(我不知道該干什么)/ I’m not going to do any work.(我不準(zhǔn)備做什么)/ My father and I once made a boat.(我和我爸曾經(jīng)做過一只船)

        此外還要記住一些固定說法:do good / harm / business / one’s best / a favour……

        make a decision / an effort / a mistake / a noise / a phone call / money / war / the bed / sure,...

        (7)put on、wear、have…on、be in、try on、dress的用法:

        put on強(qiáng)調(diào)“穿、戴”這個(gè)動(dòng)作過程,wear則表示“穿著、戴著”這一狀態(tài),have+衣物+on主要表示狀態(tài),be in(+顏色/衣物)也是表示一個(gè)狀況,dress(+人)表示“給…人穿衣”。如:Please put on your new shoes.(請穿上你的新鞋)/ The twins are wearing the same clothes.(雙胞胎穿著相同的衣服)/ Today she has an overcoat on.(今天她穿著一件大衣) / Do you know the woman who is in black?(你認(rèn)識(shí)那個(gè)身穿黑衣的女人嗎?)/ Dad is dressing Tom now.(爹正在給湯姆穿衣)

        [注意]dress與wear或put on的區(qū)別:wear或put on常用衣物作賓語,而dress常用人作賓語。表示給自己穿衣時(shí)常用“get dressed”或“dress oneself”表達(dá)。be dressed in與wear基本同義。dress up意為“穿上盛裝、喬裝打扮”。如:Could you dress the baby for me?(你能替我給寶寶穿衣嗎?)/ He is eight but can’t dress himself.(他八歲了,還不會(huì)穿衣服)/ She was dressed in a red coat.(她穿著一件紅上衣)/ Do I have to dress up to go to Jim’s party?(我得穿上好衣服去參加吉姆的聚會(huì)嗎?)


        三個(gè)詞都含有“喜歡”的意思,但是,like和enjoy后面跟動(dòng)名詞,love 后面一般跟動(dòng)詞不定式。like后面有時(shí)跟動(dòng)詞不定式,表示一種習(xí)慣或嗜好(往往與具體的時(shí)間或地點(diǎn)有關(guān))。enjoy后面還可以加名詞、反身代詞,表示“享受…樂趣;玩得開心”。如:Do you like shopping?(你喜歡購物嗎?)/ He likes to have a swim when he gets home every afternoon.(每天下午放學(xué)后他總愛游個(gè)泳)/ They love to sing foreign songs.(他們喜愛唱外國歌曲)/ Did you enjoy yourself at the party?(在聚會(huì)上你玩得開心嗎?)/ He enjoys living in China.(他喜歡在中國生活)


        study主要表示“學(xué)習(xí)、研究”,指過程;而learn主要表示“學(xué)會(huì)”,指結(jié)果。表示“學(xué)”時(shí)可以互換。如:How many subjects do you study?(你學(xué)多少門課程?) / Have you learned it yet?(這個(gè)你學(xué)過了嗎?)/ How long have you studied/learned English?(你學(xué)英語多久了?)

        learn還可以表示“聽說”,如:He learned the musician himself was in town.(他聽說音樂家本人就在城里)

        (10)think、want、would like的用法:

        三個(gè)詞都含有“想”的意思,但think指“思考、考慮”,want指“想要、愿望、企圖”,would like指“想要”,think后面一般跟介詞短語或從句,want和would like后面跟名詞或動(dòng)詞不定式。如:Do you think that China will become a developed country in 40 years? (你認(rèn)為中國會(huì)在40年后成為發(fā)達(dá)國家嗎?)/ I am thinking of the money I once lent to Li Min.((我正在想著以前借給黎敏的錢)/ What do you really want to say?(你到底想干什么?)/ Which of these cakes would you like (to have)?(這些餅子中你想吃哪些?)

        (11)look for、search…for、find、find out的用法:

        前面兩個(gè)詞語表示動(dòng)作過程,后面兩個(gè)表示結(jié)果,look for指“尋找”不見的或丟失的東西,但還沒有找到;search…for…指“為找…而搜尋…”;find指“找到”了東西;find out主要指“查明一個(gè)事實(shí)真相”。如:Hey, Monkey, what are you looking for in the cupboard?(嘿,猴兒!你在廚子里面找什么呢?)/ Have you found the lost key to your car?(你找著丟失的車鑰匙了嗎?)/ The soldiers were searching the room for the spy when they heard a loud noise.(士兵們正在房間里面搜尋間諜突然間他們聽到了衣聲巨響)/ Let’s try to find out who broke the window.(讓我們查查誰把窗子打破了)

        [注解] find的幾個(gè)結(jié)構(gòu):find sb. sth“為某人找到…”,find sth./sb. + adj./n.“發(fā)覺某人是…”,find it +adj. + to do…(或+賓語從句)“發(fā)現(xiàn)(做……)如何”。如: His mother found her daughter a very clever girl.(他的母親發(fā)現(xiàn)她的女兒是個(gè)聰明的女孩)(名詞作補(bǔ)語補(bǔ)足語) / You can easily find it not good for your health to eat cold food.(你很容易就會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn)吃冷食對你的身體是不利的)

        (12)listen to、hear的用法:

        兩個(gè)詞與聽覺有關(guān),listen to指“聽”這一過程,hear指“聽到”這一結(jié)果。如:Are you listening to me,Jim? Yes,I have heard your words.(吉姆,你在聽我說嗎?是的,你的話我全聽見了)


        四個(gè)詞均與眼睛有關(guān),look指放眼去“看”(不管是否看得到),指“看”的過程;see指“看見”這一結(jié)果,有時(shí)see還引申為“明白”,表示“看”時(shí)后面加“電影”等詞;watch指專注的看,含有“注視、監(jiān)視”之義,后面常跟“電視、比賽”等詞;read限制為看書面材料,譯為“看、閱讀”,后面跟“書、報(bào)紙、雜志”等詞。如:What are you looking at?(你在看什么?)/ Please look at the blackboard. (請看黑板)/ Let me go to see the film, mum, will you? (媽媽,讓我去看電影吧,好嗎?)/ He won’t feel well until he finishes watching the football match. (要看完了足球賽他才會(huì)感覺好些)/ Reading gives us knowledge.(閱讀給我們知識(shí))

        (14)hear、hear of、hear from、learn的用法:

        hear“聽說”,后面可以跟名詞、代詞、從句表示聽見的內(nèi)容,hear of“聽說”,后面跟人,指對某人有耳聞但沒有見過面;hear from“收到……的來信”,后面加人;learn“聽說、得知”,后面跟從句,含義與hear相似。如:I hear Mr Green is coming to see us tonight. (我聽說格林先生今晚要來看望我們)/ Have you ever heard of the man who once went to the Himalaya Mountains? (你是否聽說過那個(gè)去過喜馬拉雅山的人?)/ How often do you hear from your father? (隔多久你收到你父親的信?)/ He learned the musician himself was in town.(他聽說音樂家本人就在城里)


        四個(gè)詞與“說”有關(guān)。speak“講話、發(fā)言、演說”,是不及物動(dòng)詞,涉及人時(shí)要加介詞to,speak作及物動(dòng)詞時(shí)后面跟語言名稱;talk“談話、閑談”,是不及物動(dòng)詞,涉及人時(shí)用介詞with、to等,涉及事情時(shí)后面跟介詞about等;say 是及物動(dòng)詞,后面跟名詞、代詞、從句等,表示說的內(nèi)容;tell是及物動(dòng)詞,后面首先要跟人,然后再跟從句或者介詞短語等。如:Do you speak English? (你講英語嗎?)/ Who spoke at the meeting? (誰在會(huì)上發(fā)了言?)/ Our teacher is talking to Lin Tao’s parent. (我們的老師正在跟林濤的家長講話)/ Can you say it in English? (你能用英語說出它嗎?)/ Please tell me something about the strange flying object. (請跟我講講那個(gè)奇怪的飛行物的事情吧)

        (16)be able to(do)、can的用法:

        can是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞,有許多含義,表示“可能、可以、會(huì)”等意思,只有現(xiàn)在式can和過去式could兩種形式;be able to表示能力上“會(huì)”,有多種時(shí)態(tài)形式,to后面跟動(dòng)詞原形,有時(shí)可以與can/could互換。如:Can you speak English? (你會(huì)說英語嗎?)/ He couldn’t(wasn’t able to) swim when he was 12. (他十二歲時(shí)不會(huì)游泳)

        (17)there be、have的用法:

        兩個(gè)詞都可以譯為“有”,但是,have表示的是“擁有”,主語必須是人或者物;there be表示“存在”的概念,主語在there be之后。如:How many brothers and sisters do you have? I have only one brother. (你有多少兄弟?我只有一個(gè)兄弟。)/ How many chairs and desks are there in their classroom? There is none. (他們教室里有多少張桌椅?一張也沒有。)

        [注解]there be sb./sth doing與there be sb./sth to do 有所不同:用doing表示一個(gè)正在發(fā)生的事情,而用to do 則表示一個(gè)滯后或遲于there be的動(dòng)作。如: Look! There is a dog lying on the stairway. / Take your time. There is nothing for you to do tonight.


        表示“借”的三個(gè)詞,borrow“借進(jìn)”、lend“出借”都是一次性動(dòng)作,不可以和表示一段的時(shí)間狀語連用;keep“保存”用來表示借一段時(shí)間。如: I have lost the book I borrowed from my teacher. What can I do? (我丟掉了從老師那里借來的書)/ How long have you kept my dictionary,eh?For more than two months! (呃,我的字典你借了多久了?兩個(gè)多月了!)




        兩個(gè)詞都表示“希望”,但是,hope表達(dá)有把握或信心實(shí)現(xiàn)的事情,后面直接跟動(dòng)詞不定式或者賓語從句,不可以跟動(dòng)名詞或作賓語補(bǔ)足語的不定式;wish表達(dá)實(shí)現(xiàn)的可能性不大的事情,后面跟名詞、賓語從句(用過去時(shí))或者作賓語補(bǔ)足語的不定式。如:We all hope to see him very soon. (我們?nèi)枷MM快見到他)/ I hope it will be fine tomorrow so that we can go out. (我希望明天天好,這樣我們就能出去了。)/ How I wish it was not raining at the moment!(我多么希望此刻不在下雨!)(事實(shí)上天正在下雨)


        spend的賓語通常是金錢或時(shí)間,句型:sb.+(spend)+時(shí)間/金錢+on sth / (in) doing sth. ;

        take的主語通常是事情,句型:sth./It + (take)+sb.+時(shí)間+to do… 。(如果是動(dòng)作則常用it作形式主語將動(dòng)詞不定式后移);

        cost的賓語通常是時(shí)間、金錢、力氣,句型:sth. +(cost)+sb.+時(shí)間/金錢/力氣. ;


        如:She spent the whole night reading the novel. (她花了一個(gè)晚上看那本小說)/ This job will take me two days.=It will take me two days to do the job. (做這件事情要花我兩天的時(shí)間)/ How much does a house like this cost? (像這樣的房子要花多少錢?)/ I paid him twenty dollars for the book.. (我花了20元從他那兒買了書)


        begin在大多數(shù)情況下可以替代start,(反義詞是end),后面接不定式或動(dòng)名詞時(shí)區(qū)別不大,但是start還可以表示“開始、出發(fā)、啟動(dòng)”,反義詞是stop;某事停止后再重新開始一般用start.如:When did you begin/start to learn English? (你什么時(shí)候開始學(xué)英語的?)/ They started getting in the crops after the rain stopped. (雨停后他們開始收割莊稼) / This time he could not start his car. (這次他沒法啟動(dòng)他的汽車)

        (23)arrive in/at、reach、get to的用法:

        arrive是不及物動(dòng)詞,到達(dá)具體地點(diǎn)時(shí)后面加介詞at,到達(dá)一個(gè)大的地方(國家、城市)時(shí)后面加介詞in,arrive后面可以直接跟地點(diǎn)副詞here/there/home等;get表示“到達(dá)”時(shí)是不及物動(dòng)詞,涉及地點(diǎn)(無論大小)時(shí)后面加to,get后面可以直接跟地點(diǎn)副詞here等;reach是及物動(dòng)詞,后面直接跟地點(diǎn)名詞。如:He arrived in San Francisco last Sunday. (上個(gè)星期天他抵達(dá)舊金山)/ How did you get there in the night? (你是怎樣在夜間到達(dá)那里的?)/ We hurried all the way and reached the station just five minutes before the train left. (我們一路狂奔在火車啟動(dòng)前5分鐘到達(dá)車站)

        (24)be made of、be made from、be made into、be made in、be made by、be made for的區(qū)別:

        be made of指從制成品中可以看得出原材料,而be made from則指從制成品中看不出原材料,口語中都可以換成be made out of。 be made into表示“被制成……”,be made in表達(dá)被制造的地點(diǎn),be made by表達(dá)制造的人,be made for表達(dá)被制造的目的。如:This kind of paper is made from bamboo. (這種紙是由竹子生產(chǎn)的)/ The desk is made of wood and metal. (桌子是鐵和木頭打的)/ A lot of paper has been made into paper birds. (許多紙被折疊成了小鳥)/ Computers are made in these cities. (計(jì)算機(jī)是在這幾個(gè)城市制造的)/ This kite was made by Uncle Wang. (這個(gè)風(fēng)箏是王叔叔做的)/ A big bag was made for me to hold my waste things.(一只大包做好了讓我裝廢物)

        (25)be used for、be used to、used to、get used to的區(qū)別:

        be used for + 名詞/代詞或動(dòng)名詞, be used to + 動(dòng)詞原形,表示兩個(gè)短語意思相近,表示“用于…”。 used to + 動(dòng)詞原形,表示“過去常常”,否定式可以是“didn’t use to”也可以是“usedn’t to”;get/be used to + 動(dòng)名詞,表示“習(xí)慣于….”。如:A knife can be used for cutting things.(刀可以用來割東西)/ A knife can be used to cut things.(刀可以用來割東西)/ He used to borrow novels from the library when he was at school. (他上學(xué)時(shí)常常在圖書館借書)/ He is used to getting up early in the morning. (他習(xí)慣早起)


        beat (打敗),后面跟“人”,而win(贏得),后面跟“比賽、競賽”等。如:Who won at last? (最后誰贏了?)/ Class Three beat us 5-0. (三班以5∶0打敗了我們)/ I am sure to win the match. (我一定能贏得比賽)

        而lose則表示“輸了”,常用句型:lose sth. to sb. 如:Unluckily we lost the match to Class Three. (不幸的是我們比賽輸給了三班)


        plant著重講“栽、種植”這個(gè)動(dòng)作,grow則指種植以后的“栽培”、“管理”,而keep則主要指“喂養(yǎng)”、“贍養(yǎng)”一個(gè)人或者動(dòng)物。如 :He grew vegetables in his garden. (他在園子里種菜)/ I planted ten trees last year,but four of them died. (去年我栽了10棵樹,但是死了4棵)/ Old women enjoy keeping cats or dogs to kill the time. (老年的婦女喜歡養(yǎng)貓養(yǎng)狗打發(fā)時(shí)間)

        (28)fall 、drop的區(qū)別:

        fall指東西由高處向下墜落,不及物動(dòng)詞;也可以作連系動(dòng)詞,意思是“變得,進(jìn)入某種狀態(tài)”。drop表示物體由高處往低處落下,不及物動(dòng)詞;或讓物體落向低處,及物動(dòng)詞。如:The man fell off the tractor and hurt himself. (那個(gè)人從拖拉機(jī)上摔下來跌傷了)/ Soon after they touched the pillows they fell (系動(dòng)詞) fast asleep. (他們頭挨枕頭不久就睡著了)/ He felt as if he had to drop maths.(他覺得似乎要放棄數(shù)學(xué))/ He dropped a letter into the mail-box.(他向郵箱里丟了一封信)

        (29)join、join in、take part in的區(qū)別:

        join多指參加組織、團(tuán)體、黨派等,后面跟人時(shí)表示和某人一起參加某項(xiàng)活動(dòng);join in指參加某項(xiàng)游戲或活動(dòng);take part in多指參加群眾性的活動(dòng)、運(yùn)動(dòng)、會(huì)議等。如:He joined the army in 2001.(他2001年參軍)/ They joined me in congratulating you.(他們和我一起向你祝賀)/ Do join us in the game.(千萬參加我們的比賽) / He took an active part in the students’ movement in the 1940s.(在二十世紀(jì)40年代他積極參加學(xué)生運(yùn)動(dòng))


        beat指“連續(xù)不斷地打擊;(心臟的)跳動(dòng)”;hit指“一次性地撞擊、命中”;strike與hit基本同義,還可以理解為“劃(火柴)、給……深刻的印象”。如:The man looks dead,but his heart is still beating weakly. (那個(gè)人看上去死了可心臟還在微弱地跳動(dòng)) / He hit the ball so hard that it flew over their heads and fell into the lake. (他踢球的勁太大球飛過他們的頭頂落入水中) / He went into the room and struck a match(火柴). (他走進(jìn)房間劃著了一根火柴)

        (31)carry on、carry out的區(qū)別:

        carry on表示“進(jìn)行、繼續(xù)”;carry out表示“進(jìn)行、貫徹、實(shí)現(xiàn)”。如:I will carry on the work. (我會(huì)繼續(xù)工作)/ I have some difficulties in carrying out his orders. (對于執(zhí)行他的命令我有問題)

        (32)be amazed與be surprised的區(qū)別:

        be amazed“感到驚訝”,指人對某個(gè)不可能發(fā)生卻實(shí)際發(fā)生了的事情感到極其的訝異;be surprised“感到吃驚”指人對突發(fā)的事件感到驚訝。如:When he dived deep into the sea, he was amazed at the colours of all the beautiful coral reefs. (他深潛到海中時(shí)被所有美麗的珊瑚礁驚呆了) / He was very surprised when he heard a loud noise from inside the room. (聽到房間里傳出一個(gè)很大的聲音他非常地吃驚)


        “warn sb. of/about sth”意思是“針對…而警告某人”;“warn sb (not) to do sth”意思是“告戒某人(不)要做某事”;“warn sb. + that從句”意思是“警告某人說……”。如:They warned the passengers of thieves. (他警告路人小心竊賊) / I warn you that you will fail in the coming exams if you are still so lazy. (我警告你:如果你還這么懶在即將來到的考試中你會(huì)不及格的。) / He was warned not to go out in the late night. (他受到警告不要在深夜出去)

        (34)think of與think about等短語的區(qū)別:

        think of表示“考慮、思念、認(rèn)為、想起、建議”等;“think about”表示“看待、認(rèn)為”;“think much /highly /a lot of”表示“高度評(píng)價(jià)…”;“think over”表示“仔細(xì)考慮”;“think out”表示“想出”。如:The headmaster thought highly of this boy. (校長高度地評(píng)價(jià)了這個(gè)男孩) / We’re thinking of going to France for our holiday. (我們在考慮去法國度假的事情) / Think it over and you will have a way. (仔細(xì)考慮就有辦法) / I cannot think of his name. I forgot it. (我想不起他的名字我忘了) / -What do you think about his composition? -Very good! (他的作文你覺得怎么樣? 很好。)

        (35)agree with/ agree to / agree on等詞語用法:

        “agree to+動(dòng)詞”表示“同意做某事”,“agree with + sb./觀點(diǎn)”表示“贊同…的觀點(diǎn)”/ agree about表示“對…話題有相同看法”/“agree to +建議”表示“同意”某人的建議,“agree on + 決定”表示“贊成某人的決定”。例略。


        deserve后面可以加不定式,也可以加名詞。如:They had tried their best and they deserved to win. (他們盡力了該贏。) / The little boy always made troubles around and deserved beating. (小男孩總是處處惹麻煩活該被打) / The girl did a good deed and deserved praise. (女孩做了好事應(yīng)該受到表揚(yáng))


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